Author: Steve DiMatteo


Steve is the editor of America Is Weird and finds just about everything in the United States to be extremely strange. He's written for the Associated Press,, Sports on Earth (RIP), and many other publications over the course of his career.

According to the International Dairy Foods Association, the average American eats about four gallons of ice cream per year. And with July being National Ice Cream Month, the IDFA implores Americans everywhere to double that annual consumption during the month, no matter the cost to both your health and wallet. Okay, so the IDFA didn’t really say that, but I imagine the organization would want to if it could. And yes, there really is a National Ice Cream Month, along with a National Ice Cream Day to boot. The History of National Ice Cream Month The month-long holiday dates back…

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When you learn that an American president is just a little weirdo like the rest of us, that can come as either a terrifying realization or a reassuring one. I choose the latter, because I find it far better to never put these guys on a pedestal; they’re as fallible and disappointing as the rest of us. In the case of Richard Nixon, he was a deeply paranoid human being, which is somehow one of the nicer ways to describe the man. He was cold, calculating, and ruthless in his pursuit to destroy his enemies, both real and imagined. And…

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Bigfoot – or Sasquatch to others – is an enduring mystery in North America, with hundreds of sightings alone across the entire United States. With very little physical evidence to speak of (depending on who you ask), how does this woodland ape continue to evade humanity’s grasp each and every year? What would ever happen if we did finally come across one? These are just a couple of the questions the North American Wood Ape Conservancy (NAWAC) aim to answer. With members all over the world, the NAWAC is an all-volunteer, 501(c)3 organization that is dedicated to “studying the North…

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Booger Hole, West Virginia might have a bizarre name, but the long history of unexplained, unsolved murders that happened in this small, unincorporated community are certainly even weirder. Booger Hole was the site of quite a few mysterious murders during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, which you figure had to be like, what, half the population of the town at the time? And despite the best efforts of a well-intentioned town mob, none of these murders were ever solved, and no one was really ever brought to true justice. In a Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article from January 29, 1917,…

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